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Why MILK in milk and honey soap bars? It's great for your skin

Updated: Apr 7

milk bottle with milk for milk and honey bar soap

Raw whole cow's milk (unpasturized milk straight from the cow- so the good stuff is still in there) is loaded with natural moisturizers and vitamins that make your skin clean and smooth and is a key ingredient in Brown Cow Soap Co. milk and honey soap bars. Milk is a gentle cleanser for your whole body and offers a natural moisture barrier. Milk is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, riboflavin B 2, vitamin B 12, vitamin D, selenium and folate. These nutrients can be beneficial for repairing and renewing the skin.

Having recently dispersed our own herd of milk cows, the milk for my soap is now sourced from a local dairy farm. I know the quality and care they give to producing their farm fresh natural whole cow's milk, personally.

When using milk in cold process handmade, natural, milk and honey soap bars, it works best to use the milk in a frozen state. The sodium hydroxide process creates heat when mixed with liquid. Freezing the whole milk keeps the milk from getting too hot and scorching in the soap making process. I freeze the milk in ice cube trays. This allows me to weigh and measure the exact amount needed for the soap recipe I am working on easily. The sodium hydroxide in sprinkled over the milk ice cubes gradually, a little at a time, allowing it to slowly melt the milk ice cubes and preserving the quality of the milk during the soap making process. The sugars in the milk are a lather booster for the finished soap bar, further adding to the benefit of milk in soap and resulting in a quality, natural, self care, skin care product.

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